I'm Damiano Improta

I'm a Software Engineer.

I'm a Full Stack Developer.


based in Napoli, Italy.

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About Me

Know Me More

I'm Damiano Improta, a Software Engineer

I deal with software production, not just as coding . My job is to analyze requirements and design use cases, starting from the realization of mokup, through the phases of system design, object design, up to the study of test cases, providing detailed documentation in UML format. Not only do I like designing software and studying its specifications, but I also love the development phase, roll up my sleeves and write codes.

In addition to the entire software life cycle, I am interested in server management, web server, databases, all this using Linux operating system.


What I Do?



My Education

2013 - 2019

Computer Science Degree

Università degli studi di Napoli - Federico II

Thesis project: "Coverage of Dynamic STates Machine behaviors in Java executable semantics"

  • Functional testing of DSTM Java semantics through the use of JUnit framework.
  • Development of a logic translation software, which builds a Java main class executable by semantics, byreading a XML data source.
  • Supervisor: Prof. Adriano Peron.

My Experience

2020 - to date

Software Engineer


Design, development and maintanance of a owner platform

2018 - 2020

Software Engineer


Design, development and maintenance of web softwares

2017 - 2018

Full Stack Developer

Amore & Vasaturo

Development and maintenance of owner e-commerce platform and web oriented applications

My Skills

UML 80%

Java 95%

PHP 90%

Symfony 80%

Database administration 90%

System administration 65%


My Open Source Projects

My open source projects will be here soon


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Where i am

Napoli, Italy


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